Book One
Invocation and Council of the Gods
Athena inspires Telemakos to search for news of Odysseus
The suitors of Penelope feast in Odysseus’ palace
Book Two
Telemakos summons the assembly in Ithaka
Telemakos asks the suitors to leave
Telemakos sets sail for Pylos
Book Three
Telemakos visits Nestor
Nestor tells Telemakos about the return of heroes from Troy
Telemakos and Nestor’s son travel to Sparta
Book Four
Telemakos arrives in Sparta
The wanderings and return of Menelaos
News of Odysseus; the suitors plot to kill Telemakos
Book Five
Council of the Gods
Odysseus and Kalypso; Odysseus departs
Poseidon’s storm; Odysseus finds refuge on Skeria
Book Six
Nausikaa and her maids at the river
Meeting of Odysseus and Nausikaa
Nausikaa leads Odysseus to town
Book Seven
Odysseus reaches the palace of King Alkinoös
Odysseus in the palace of the Phaiakian king
King Alkinoös agrees to convey Odysseus to Ithaka
Book Eight
The Phaiakians engage in athletic contests
The Phaiakians dance and the bard sings of Troy
King Alkinoös questions Odysseus
Book Nine
Odysseus narrates his wanderings:
The raid on the Kikones; encountering the Lotus Eaters
In the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemos
Book Ten
Odysseus narrates his wanderings:
The winds of Aiolos; the Laistrygonian giants
Kirke the enchantress
Book Eleven
Odysseus narrates his wanderings:
His journey to the underworld and Teiresias’ prophecy
His encounters with the souls of queens and heroes
Book Twelve
Odysseus narrates his wanderings:
The Sirens; Skylla and Karybdis
The cattle of the sun; the rescue of Odysseus by Kalypso
Book Thirteen
Odysseus returns to Ithaka
The Phaiakian ship is turned to stone
Athena helps Odysseus guard his treasure
Book Fourteen
Odysseus is disguised as a beggar
Odysseus and the swineherd Eumaios
Odysseus tells Eumaios a false story of his life
Book Fifteen
Telemakos leaves Sparta
Eumaios tells his story
Telemakos returns safely to Ithaka
Book Sixteen
Telemakos visits Eumaios
Odysseus reveals his identity to Telemakos
The suitors learn of Telemakos’ escape
Book Seventeen
Telemakos returns to the palace
Eumaios leads Odysseus to the palace
Odysseus begs from all the suitors
Book Eighteen
Odysseus fights and defeats the beggar Iros
Odysseus begs in his own palace
Penelope appears before the suitors
Book Nineteen
Penelope and Odysseus talk
The nurse Eurykleia recognizes Odysseus’ scar
Penelope plans the challenge of the bow
Book Twenty
The suitors gather and feast
The suitors insult Odysseus
Dark omens appear as the suitors feast
Book Twenty-One
The challenge of the bow
The suitors fail to string the bow
Odysseus succeeds and completes the challenge
Book Twenty-Two
The slaughter of the suitors
The treachery of some servants
The punishment of the maids and Melanthios
Book Twenty-Three
The secret sign of the bed
Odysseus and Penelope reunite
Odysseus goes to Laertes’ farm
Book Twenty-Four
The souls of the suitors in the underworld
The final battle with the suitors’ families
Athena imposes peace
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Glossary of Names